Chipmunk habitat
Chipmunk habitat

chipmunk habitat

  • These animals are found in the following types of habitat.
  • ( Johnston and Anthony, 2008 Sutton and Patterson, 2000) They make their homes in hollow trees, under fallen logs and in piles of leaves and wood. However, they may also be found in areas that have been logged because the stumps, logs and piles of coarse, woody debris can be used for shelter and nesting. Siskiyou chipmunks are found mostly in upland areas with dense forests and a thick tree canopy. These chipmunks live in mature forests of sugar and Jeffrey pines, incense cedars and Douglas fir trees.

    chipmunk habitat chipmunk habitat

    Siskiyou chipmunks are found in maritime climates, areas with heavy snow fall in the winter and dry summers. ( McIntire, 1984 Sutton and Patterson, 2000) These barriers divide them from similar chipmunks, such as Townsend's chipmunks. Their range is limited by natural barriers such as rivers and mountains. Siskiyou chipmunks ( Tamias siskiyou) are found in central to southern Oregon and northern California, near the Pacific coast. Siskiyou chipmunks have facial stripes that distinguish them from Allen's chipmunks and they are less gray than Townsend's chipmunks. Female Siskiyou chipmunks are generally larger. In the fall, these chipmunks develop darker, denser and duller fur in preparation for winter. The inland subspecies becomes more brightly colored after the spring. When they molt again in the fall, their coat becomes thicker and darker, with pale gray stripes. When the coastal population molts in June, their coat becomes tawnier, with paler stripes.

    #Chipmunk habitat Patch#

    While the inland population, Tamias siskiyou siskiyou, is light brown, with dark body stripes, creamy white undersides and a smoky colored rump and thighs, with a dark patch behind their eyes and a whitish patch behind their ears. The coastal subspecies, Tamias siskiyou humboldti, is darker and browner, with lighter stripes, grayish undersides and pale gray patches behind their ears. There are two subspecies of Siskiyou chipmunks that differ based on their size and color, one is found near the coast and one is located further inland.

    Chipmunk habitat